About Us

Mission Statement

Here at justifying fun we aim to bring you the best articles and product advice possible. We research and find the best information and products in the world today.

We aim to justify fun because when your an adult you often need an excuse to buy something, to spend your partners money on the shared card or to disappear for a few days playing with the most exciting product or taking part in the best sports game you’ve ever played. We believe fun doesn’t have to come at a cost to your health and well being, or ruin relationships. We will do our best to show you how having fun can actually be beneficial to your mental health, improve your physical well being and improve your social life and relationships

We know that some people live lives which don’t allow the financial opportunity to buy exciting products but we know that for some people ‘fun’ can mean eating your next meal or knowing that your family are safely tucked up in bed, or that you’ve managed to survive another tough day and come out on the other side.

People associate fun with heightened levels of exciting emotions and this is great, but also sometime people are having the most fun and enjoying life the most by being content, alive and well, or just knowing they have loving people around them who will put a smile on their face, whether this is an elderly relative or a strange passing in the street who smiles just when you need it most.

Our Experience

Gymnastics Experience

Our authors have a lot of experience in gymnastics. With the support of award winning gymnasts we are able to work towards creating gymnastics content that is unique, exciting and aimed at the recreational reader while still providing some useful tips and encouragement for gymnasts at the elite level.

We hope to bring on-board more experienced gymnastics writers on our team and provide even more in-depth quality gymnastics guides for all our gymnastics visitors. Having tried out and researched a lot of gymnastics equipment we hope we can help you to choose gymnastics equipment that is safe and fun. When buying Gymnastics equipment safety is important and we always try to recommend products that are safe and suggest you always use them supervised by adults or a professional gymnastics coach.

Health & Fitness Experience

Our authors include personal trainers, experienced sportsmen & women and physiotherapists who have the knowledge to offer medical and scientific field specific advice when necessary in our articles.

Justifying Fun Partners

We are always building connections within the industry and love to meet new people who we can learn from in order to always be aiming to improve our content.

Our authors experience include writing articles for websites such as DIYactive & other gymnastics & health and fitness based websites.

Affiliate connections

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Write for us

We are always open to the possibility of allowing guest posts on our website if you are interested please send us an email with your suggestions.

Why You can trust us

We do our best to research our content thoroughly using relevant high quality sources. We have a cookie policy and privacy policy in place.