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Best Kites for adults – Real Experience Advice & Photos

Soaring high above sandy shores, kites have long been a delightful addition to any beach outing. For many of us, the joy of kite flying dates back to our childhood days, but it’s not just a pastime for kids. In fact, more and more adults are rediscovering the thrill and serenity of watching a kite dance with the wind against the vast expanse of a blue sky. Whether it’s the challenge of mastering aerial maneuvers or the simple joy of feeling connected to nature, flying a kite at the beach offers a unique kind of magic for adults.

Flying the best kites along a beautiful beach

The gentle sound of crashing waves, the kiss of salt on the breeze, and the vibrant colors of a kite juxtaposed against the horizon make it a truly immersive experience. Dive into our guide on the best beach kites designed especially for adults, and prepare to elevate your next coastal adventure.

Most popular choice in 2020
Prism Synapse Dual-line Parafoil Kite, 140
Best Kids kite
Rainbow Kite for Kids and Adults - Easy to Fly Large Kite. Kite for Kids Ages 4-8, Kite for Kids Ages 8-12, Kite for Kids Ages 3-5, Kite for Toddlers Age 2-4, Beach Kite, Cometas para Niños
Great beginners stunt kite
HQ Kites Symphony Beach III 51in (1.3m) Dual Line Parachute Stunt Foil Sport Kite Ready to Fly Outdoor Fun Sports for Boys and Girls Ages 8 and Up - Rainbow Color
Product name
Prism Synapse KIte
AgreatLife kids rainbow kite
HQ Symphony Beach Stunt Kite
Click to view current price on Amazon
Most popular choice in 2020
Prism Synapse Dual-line Parafoil Kite, 140
Product name
Prism Synapse KIte
Click to view current price on Amazon
Best Kids kite
Rainbow Kite for Kids and Adults - Easy to Fly Large Kite. Kite for Kids Ages 4-8, Kite for Kids Ages 8-12, Kite for Kids Ages 3-5, Kite for Toddlers Age 2-4, Beach Kite, Cometas para Niños
Product name
AgreatLife kids rainbow kite
Click to view current price on Amazon
Great beginners stunt kite
HQ Kites Symphony Beach III 51in (1.3m) Dual Line Parachute Stunt Foil Sport Kite Ready to Fly Outdoor Fun Sports for Boys and Girls Ages 8 and Up - Rainbow Color
Product name
HQ Symphony Beach Stunt Kite
Click to view current price on Amazon

Modern kite designs are majestic  and use the latest advanced technologies which can often appear as innovative and exciting as a parachute.

I can remember my first kite as a child, it was a box kite, with a wooden frame and i felt an amazing sense of achievement at having unravelled a line that seemed to extend as high as the sun!. Once my dad had thrown it up into the air I was laughing and felt joy at having control over something I could see way above me. This was a unique and precious experience because not many activities give you the chance to control and connect yourself to something that can soar with the birds.

If you are considering which are the best kites to buy then this guide will give you some factors to think about. We will recommend our favourite high quality kites that will get you out of the door faster than ever before. You will improve your health and well-being at the same time as laughing and learning a new skill.

Once you’ve experienced flying small kites, large single line kites and progressed to the world’s best kites then the excitement of flying first-hand will have you hooked. You will want to practice and build up your ability and strength and ultimately increase your enjoyment. Everyone else will enjoy the visual spectacle you create by performing loops and twists and interesting aerobatics!

Our Top Picks

The Best Kite for Beginners – Flexifoil Big Buzz

FLEXIFOIL Power Kite | Big Buzz Stunt Kite | 2.05m Dual Lines Trainer Parafoil | Kids & Adults Kiting | Best 2 Line Beach Summer Sport Trick Kites with Handles | Outside Activity | Easy to Fly 1.6m²

Click the image to view kite on Amazon

Key Info:

  • Wingspan: 2.05 metres.
  • Flying Line: dual lines 18 metres long.
  • Age: 12+

We have rated the Flexifoil Big buzz kite as one of the best kites in the world today because it is exceptionally well made and always a pleasure to fly. This decision was made by looking at which kites we think would perform to the highest standard  for people from a wide age range and different levels of experience. It was important to make sure our chosen best kites would be good fun for both beginners and more experienced flyers.

Firstly, our research involved evaluating customer opinions and discussions. After compiling this research we saw that people rated the big buzz kite very highly. It was then important to gain first-hand experience flying it ourselves and testing it at various wind speeds ranging from a gentle breeze to over 17mph. The recommended best kite would be classed as a beginner power kite and with a line length of 18 metres it isn’t as long as the professional power kites.

The best kites require no assembly

flexi foil big buzz best kite

This kite is over 2 metres wide so much larger than the basic kite you can find in a small beach-side store. Flying a kite often involves reading instructions and clipping poles into place, hoping they don’t pop out mid-flight causing you to run across the beach to see if they are broken, or watch as your pet dog chews them. When out of the bag this kite doesn’t require any assembly and can be flown immediately on first use.

This is great because my patience is easily tested with fiddly wires, finding that one small screwdriver you really need or trying to complete the pair of an increasing supply of odd socks so your child doesn’t go into school with superman on one foot and pepper pig on the other.

While packing this kite away please ensure the lines aren’t tangled so that you protect them and can much more easily fly it next time. The last thing you want to do when arriving at the beach is to waste time unravelling the lines, you just want to open the case and be flying the best kites within a minute or two at the most. This kite lets you get it out of the bag and up into the sky very quickly.

High Quality Kite Materials

Once it arrived we noticed the bag is made of strong fabric and looks like it’s made to last. When you open up the canopy you’ll see the beautiful natural colour scheme and it’s as clear as day that it’s made of high quality materials. The materials this kite is made of don’t stretch and the high-quality fabric means that very few people using this kite have any problems with it breaking or becoming damaged. When packing aware be aware that the lines aren’t independent from each other so can be wound together. This is much less time consuming than winding two separate spools. I’d suggest taking extra care to make sure you wind the line in correctly using the figure of 8 technique explained in the instructions.

It took me a couple of minutes to loosen the elasticated string that keeps the line and handles in place and to unravel it. I expected the line to be longer than it is but it’s a nice length because our research found that a shortened line gives you greater influence over how rapidly the kite reacts to any movement you make. This makes launching kites in very low winds possible and reduces some of the power and unpredictability that comes with a longer line. Kites that perform well in low wind conditions will always make use of shorter lines that make it easier to keep the line tight and a longer flight possible.

Launching the kite and Light wind flight attempt

I placed the kite on the ground making sure that the red and blue handles were at the correct sides and that the colourful kite fabric was positioned so that the cells would allow wind to enter and inflate the canopy. With a gentle pull and a surprised expression on my face I managed to get the kite flying with hardly any wind at all. When the wind dropped completely it was still possible to keep it airborne for a little while by pulling the left and right handles alternately. If performed correctly the big buzz will move side to side and this speed will create lift so it won’t drop as quickly.

To launch it you don’t need to wait for a strong wind, as long as the breeze is blowing fairly consistently you’ll be able to keep it airborne with very little effort . In moderate winds of between 5 and  15 mph it is easy to fly and perform manoeuvres.When the wind gets above 15 or 20 mph this is when you can really start to feel the kites strength and unless you are already used to the bigger power kites you’ll have a big grin on your face as you feel the real power of nature.

The handles pull your arms and you’ll need to grip tightly as the kite attempts to move you around. Don’t worry though, you won’t get some air time and float away like the house floating away on balloons in the film ‘UP’.

The Excitement and speed of flying a kite

Our chosen best kite is a fast kite for someone new to kite sports and it is succinctly responsive with wonderful manoeuvrability. If you are new to kites when you first get it airborne you’ll probably be frantically moving your arms around feeling silly for a few seconds. Once you get the right pull on the strings and you realise it is the simplest of tasks to keep the lines tight and canopy cells inflated and flying.

A common mistake for a beginner is to pull too hard on one handle and not be able to compensate for the kite flying very quickly towards the trees or sleepy sunbathers and having to quickly pull the other handle to change the direction. This is when you’ll first experience some of the forces involved in a fast change of direction at speed. This kite will bring a smile to your face as it pulls and the momentum builds up. When the speed and force build you’ll realise how quick your human reactions already are and how fun they are to use.

Letting my friend fly the best kite

my friend flying flexifoil big buzz best kites

My friend who had never flown kites before wanted to try flying and although I didn’t want to stop having fun I let them. Within moments they were able to pull it high above their head into position and quickly figured out how pulling the handles effects the flight.

Once airborne the big buzz quickly find the sweet spot in the air and hovers with stability, effortlessly. The smile on my friends face and clear absorption in the task at hand was evident.

When flying kites, it feels as though you become at one with nature and this is joyful. Those moments when you are flying high are some of the best you will ever have while taking part in outdoor activities.

After several minute flying my friend built up their confidence and decided to perform loops the loops in a 20 mph wind. They quickly found themselves being pulled further and further forwards along the beach ( this might be avoidable if you manage to dig your heels into the ground or build up some more strength ) and a particularly strong gust caused them to fall and, not wanting to stop flying (addicted already… and brave!), they attempt to keep going whilst their back was covered in sand…. lets just say flying whilst lying on your back isn’t as easy as they had hoped!.

Over several test flights with this kite, it became responsible and pleaded guilty to having pulled over 2 friends and one younger sister, thankfully they all survived the experience and lived to fly again ( with a couple of small bruises and a great story to tell ).  Once the wind dropped and my friend’s enthusiasm and attempted aerobatics caused the kite to drop they squealed because when an object hits the ground hard you expect some damage to be done.

With my assembled box kite as a child a hard impact always meant reassembling the wooden poles and sometimes there was damage. When we approached the kite it had hit the ground at high speed but there wasn’t even the slightest sign of scuffing or damage. Modern Kites are made to last and the big buzz best kite certainly seems like it will have a long lifespan, although I would expect some marks after a while if you regularly land on firmer surfaces.

Recommended age for using the Big Buzz kite

If you’re a small child I’d recommend only using this kite with an adult’s supervision because it’s not really the best kids kite for younger children flying alone because if the wind picks up you could lose control and let go of the kite or be pulled over.

Flexifoil kites have placed a safety warning on this product suggesting that it shouldn’t be used by under 12’s and that any child using it should be supervised by an adult.

We have seen reviews from parents of children aged 8 and 9 using this product safely with a parent’s supervision. But as is the same with any product you purchase we would always recommend complying with age ratings and also taking into account some common sense and consideration for the strengths and weaknesses of the person using the product and the capability of the supervisor.

Looking for a more powerful stunt kite

The big buzz is a powerful kite and more than enough for most of us. If you’ve gained some experience with the big buzz and want something even more powerful then the Flexifoil Sting is the next step up.

Flexifoil Sting Kite

FLEXIFOIL Power Kite | Sting Stunt Kite | Adult and Older Kids 2.6m Quad Lines Trainer Parafoil | Best 4 Line Beach Summer Sport Trick Kites with Handles | Outside Kiting Activity | Easy to Fly 2.4m²

Click the image above to view price on Amazon

Key info :

  • Wingspan: 2.4 metres
  • Flying line: 18 metres
  • Age: 14+

If you are a bit more experienced or  looking for the best kites with more power we suggest your next step up from the Flexifoil big buzz would be Flexifoil sting range of 4 line kites. The 2.2 metre wide Flexifoil Sting is the smallest in this range and the 3.1 metre wide sting is the largest and most powerful.

These 4 line kites differ from the 2 line varieties because if you move the bars forwards away from you the kite will quickly lose power so that you can land it safely or perform some interesting manoeuvres.

The 4 line kites are also seen as being safer and allow for better controlled movement horizontally and vertically. Launching the kite also becomes easier and it is possible with some practice to make the kite hover or to write letters and shapes in the sky. The best kites with 4 lines are also able to be used for kite sports and are the very best kites for kite boarding and kite surfing because they offer the strength and manoeuvrability required. The 4 lines allows for a more controlled flight & ability to perform more advanced manoeuvres.

Kite Buyer’s Guide: From Our Skies to Yours

Selecting the perfect kite isn’t just about aesthetics or price; it’s about understanding the nuances that make kite-flying a delightful experience. We’ve soared through countless options, tested the breezes, and tangled with a few strings to bring you recommendations that truly stand out.

Kite Assembly Matters

While many kites are ready to fly straight out of the package, some do require a bit of assembly. When they do, it’s essential to gauge how intuitive this process is. Top-tier kites minimize assembly time, ensuring it’s straightforward and accompanied by crystal-clear instructions. Dive into our guide and let’s get you airborne with confidence!

1. Components: Most kites come with a few essential parts:

  • Sail (or Skin): The main body of the kite.
  • Spars (or Rods): These are the frame, providing structure to the sail.
  • Bridle: A set of strings attached to the kite, helping in stability and control.
  • Tail: Often added for stability and flair.

2. Tools You Might Need: While many kites are designed for tool-free assembly, occasionally you might need:

  • A small screwdriver: For tightening any small fixtures.
  • Tape: For any minor repairs or to reinforce connections.

3. The Process:

  • Connecting Spars: Slide the rods into the pockets or loops on the sail.
  • Attaching the Bridle: Ensure it’s connected to the right points on the kite for optimal control.
  • Tail Attachment: If your kite has a tail, attach it to the designated spot.

4. Tips for Smooth Assembly:

  • Follow Instructions: Always refer to the manufacturer’s guide.
  • Check Connections: Ensure all parts fit snugly and securely.
  • Test Before Flying: Give your kite a gentle tug to ensure everything’s in place.

Mastering the Kite Line: Length, Material, and More

The kite line is more than just a string that connects you to your kite; it’s a crucial component that influences your flying experience. Let’s unravel the intricacies of the kite line:

1. Line Length:

  • Space & Height: The length of your line determines how high your kite can soar. Longer lines allow for higher altitudes, but they also require more open space to fly safely.
  • Control & Aerobatics: A longer line provides more room for maneuvers, making it ideal for aerobatic tricks. However, shorter lines offer quicker response times, which can be beneficial for beginners or in areas with unpredictable winds.

2. Line Material:

  • Nylon: Durable and affordable, nylon is a common choice for recreational kites.
  • Dacron/Polyester: Known for its low stretch and high strength, it’s a favorite among kite enthusiasts.
  • Spectra/Dyneema: These are high-end, low-stretch materials that offer superior strength and are often used in sport kites.

3. Tips for Choosing the Right Line:

  • Purpose Matters: If you’re into kite battles or tricks, opt for a stronger, low-stretch line like Spectra. For casual flying, nylon or Dacron works well.
  • Check the Weight Rating: Ensure your line can handle the pull of your kite, especially in strong winds.
  • Maintenance: Regularly check your line for wear and tear. Knots can weaken the line, so it’s essential to untangle them promptly.

From Our Experience: While longer lines offer a majestic flying experience, they can be challenging in crowded areas. We’ve found that having a couple of different line lengths on hand allows for flexibility based on where we’re flying and the wind conditions of the day.

Durability in Kites: Ensuring Long-Lasting Flights

The lifespan of a kite isn’t just about how often you fly it, but also about the quality and care it receives. Here’s what you need to know about kite durability:

1. Material Matters:

  • Ripstop Nylon: A popular choice for many kites, ripstop is woven with a special reinforcing technique that makes it resistant to tearing and ripping.
  • Polyester: While slightly less durable than ripstop nylon, it’s lightweight and suitable for lighter winds.
  • Mylar: Often used in stunt kites, Mylar is a reflective film that’s both lightweight and strong, but it can crease easily.

2. Frame Construction:

  • Fiberglass: Flexible and durable, it’s commonly used in beginner and recreational kites.
  • Carbon Fiber: Lightweight and incredibly strong, carbon fiber is often found in high-performance and sport kites. However, it can be more brittle and might snap under extreme pressure.

3. Tips for Enhancing Durability:

  • Proper Storage: Always store your kite in its bag or case, away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  • Gentle Handling: Avoid dragging your kite on the ground, especially on rough surfaces.
  • Regular Checks: Inspect your kite for any wear, tears, or damaged spars before each flight. Early detection can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

From Our Experience: While flying in stronger winds can be exhilarating, it’s essential to ensure your kite is designed for such conditions. We’ve seen many kites meet their end by being pushed beyond their limits. Investing in a kite made of quality materials and taking good care of it can provide countless hours of flying joy.

Remember, durability isn’t just about the kite’s build but also about the love and care it receives from its owner.

Final thoughts – Choosing the best kite

Flying a kite has lots of health benefits. You will be able to work several muscle groups and improve your balance. Your legs will work hard because you have to move around to keep control of the kite, or shift more weight to one leg or the other and use some core strength to maintain stability and hold the kite in one place.

The arms, shoulders and back muscles will be strengthened because a good kite can produce a lot of force and it takes some effort to control it and perform fast changes of direction and altitude while creating enough tension to keep the kite flying. This activity will help a child develop coordination and the ability to stay focused in the moment. It can also improve stress levels because relaxed focus on the task at hand can calm the thoughts in your mind and the soft colours will help relax you.

I feel that the most important benefits are psychological. You have the chance to go outdoors and fill your lungs with fresh air and enjoy the scenery and whatever nature brings. Being outdoors helps you sleep better and the daylight increases your vitamin D levels which are vital for the whole body. Vitamin D doesn’t need to be eaten, it enters the body through your skin and has massive benefits for your bones and prevents a lot of  multi-skeletal problems and disabilities that can occur through lack of sunlight exposure.

Most people are only aware that you need to be well protected from exposure to sunlight and this is very true. However as long as you take the right precautions such as wearing a hat and a highly rated sun cream there is no good reason to avoid sunlight and daylight, apart from in extreme temperatures. It’s also likely other people will gain some pleasure from watching you flying and there is nothing more rewarding than making other people smile while having lots of fun. Kite flying is a special and unique experience.

Most popular choice in 2020
Prism Synapse Dual-line Parafoil Kite, 140
Best Kids kite
Rainbow Kite for Kids and Adults - Easy to Fly Large Kite. Kite for Kids Ages 4-8, Kite for Kids Ages 8-12, Kite for Kids Ages 3-5, Kite for Toddlers Age 2-4, Beach Kite, Cometas para Niños
Great beginners stunt kite
HQ Kites Symphony Beach III 51in (1.3m) Dual Line Parachute Stunt Foil Sport Kite Ready to Fly Outdoor Fun Sports for Boys and Girls Ages 8 and Up - Rainbow Color
Product name
Prism Synapse KIte
AgreatLife kids rainbow kite
HQ Symphony Beach Stunt Kite
Click to view current price on Amazon
Most popular choice in 2020
Prism Synapse Dual-line Parafoil Kite, 140
Product name
Prism Synapse KIte
Click to view current price on Amazon
Best Kids kite
Rainbow Kite for Kids and Adults - Easy to Fly Large Kite. Kite for Kids Ages 4-8, Kite for Kids Ages 8-12, Kite for Kids Ages 3-5, Kite for Toddlers Age 2-4, Beach Kite, Cometas para Niños
Product name
AgreatLife kids rainbow kite
Click to view current price on Amazon
Great beginners stunt kite
HQ Kites Symphony Beach III 51in (1.3m) Dual Line Parachute Stunt Foil Sport Kite Ready to Fly Outdoor Fun Sports for Boys and Girls Ages 8 and Up - Rainbow Color
Product name
HQ Symphony Beach Stunt Kite
Click to view current price on Amazon

If you enjoy being outdoors, why not consider reading our article about our favourite Frisbee,  why you should play golf or have some fun on the water with an inflatable kayak

1 thought on “Best Kites for adults – Real Experience Advice & Photos”

  1. this is an exceptionally well written article and extremely accurate in intent. anyone looking for a kite would do well to heed the advice here.
    however, the sting sizes are 1.7, 2.4, and 3.3 square meters. flexifoil used to make a 1.2 sqm kite that is an absolute blast in really high wind.
    i’ll also add that it’s “dual” (2) line, as opposed to “duel.” (i’ll kill you)
    as you progress to 4 line kites with handles (you will) you will soon see that merely flying a kite is fabulous exercise. the wind is there, then it isn’t. it’s coming from one direction, then shifts. then changes back again. i’d liken it to being in a tug-o-war with 3 friends while being blindfolded. at any one time, all of them could be pulling on the rope, one or two could let go, all could let go, any or all could pull from a different direction. it keeps you completely engaged. i will not do the workout that i make my divers do, but i’ll pull on a kite for hours and have an ear to ear grin the entire time while working every set of muscles from my toes to my fingers.
    it is tremendous fun.

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