Level 2 gymnastics requirements are non compulsory and often gyms choose not to work towards completing these levels with their gymnasts and instead start at compulsory gymnastics level 4. Level 2 gymnastics requirements are a little bit more challenging than level 1 requirements and include one of our favourite gymnastics skills, the cartwheel to side handstand dismount. At level 2 you don’t need to get a mobility score to move up to level 3.

Gymnastics level 2 skills list
Here is a list of all the skills you’ll learn while working your way through USAG level 2. Click on any highlighted skills to learn more about that skill and see some drills and tips that will help you master it.
- Jump to handstand.
- Lever.
- Half pivot turn.
- Stretch jump
- Jump to front support mount.
- Arabesque performed to 30 degrees.
- Cartwheel to side handstand dismount.
- Cast
- Pullover
- Back hip circle.
- Single leg baked swing.
- Leg Cut.
- Mill circle.
- Squat onto pike with solo circle or underswing dismount.
- Handstand.
- Backwards roll.
- Roundoff.
- Split jump.
- Bridge back kickover.
- Heel snaps turn 90 degrees.
Level 2 Gymnastics Vault Requirements

The level 2 vault is simple and is really about building your confidence balancing on this narrow surface.
Level 2 vault skill 1 – Jump to handstand onto stacked mats at a minimum height of 16″.
For this skill no block is required and you need to end the skill with a fall to flat back.
1. You can perform 2 vaults and the best score will count.
2. Take between 7-9 steps run up depending on which feels most natural for you. Accelerate and maintain speed throughout the run up to meet level 2 vault evaluation points.
3. Place focus on your hands and maintain a neutral head position
4. Maintain a straight body position or 0.30 or 0.50 points will be deducted as per the level two vault table of penalties.
5. Do not bend your legs or you can have 0.30 points deducted.
Level 2 Gymnastics Beam Requirements

Level 2 beam skills include 6 key skills. Be sure that throughout all your level 2 beam routines you maintain your posture, relevé toe point and demonstrate good flexibility. If your toe work isn’t good you can be deducted 0.5 for each time your foot is flexed and 0.3 for incorrect footwork. This might seem strict for such a low level but helps build important good habits.
Skill 1 – Lever.
Use your core strength to stop you in the correct position. Rotate forwards into a T shape position and keep your arms beside your ears.
Skill 2 – 1/2 pivot turn
Skill 3 – Stretch Jump.
Skill 4 – Jump to front support mount
Skill 5 Arabesque performed to 30 degrees.
When performing the arabesque for level 2 beam make sure your standing leg and the leg that is raised are both turned outwards. Keep your core engaged
Skill 6 – Cartwheel to side handstand dismount.
Make sure you perform a tight hold on the bar during the cartwheel and fall onto your back. This level 2 skills is a gradual increase from the 3/4 handstand dismount at level 1.
Perfect the full side handstand dismount at level 2 is possible with a little practice and a good strong core to hold good form.
Level 2 Gymnastics Bars Requirements
Level 2 gymnastics requirements include the following gymnastics bar skills. A lot of these skills are used as important stepping stones for progressing to higher level bar skills.
Level 2 Bar Skill 1 – Cast.
Below is an overview of a good skill progression for learning the cast at gymnastics level 2.
Adjust to the cast position by placing your feet on some raised gymnastics mats and place your hands on a bar. This can be a barbell or another makeshift bar used for this purpose. Make sure the shoulders are above and leaning over your hands so that you can start to feel the horizontal shape required for the level 2 cast.
Get a coach to spot you. They will need to hold you up as you grip the bar in a horizontal position and perform shoulder shrugs. Progress from these to doing the see-saws, planche rockers and forward rolls. Practising these skills will help you get over any fear you might have about leaning over the bar.
Bar skill 2 – Pullover.
Position your chin above the bar, your legs should be together & core tight. Look straight ahead and don’t let your head lean backwards. Until you are above the bar your arms should stay bent. As your feet come down pull your chest upwards.
Bar skill 3 – Back Hip Circle.
The back hip circle was required in level 1 so by now you should be familiar with it and have perfected it ready to meet gymnastics level two requirements.
Bar skill 4 – Single Leg Basket Swing.
Level 2 is the first time you’ll learn the single leg basket swing. I think this level 2 gymnastics skill is a lot of fun to learn.
Bar skill 5 – Leg Cut.
To perform the leg cut at level 2 requires good shifting of your weight as your legs separate over the bar. This requires some strength and a strong core.
Bar skill 6 – Mill circle.
The mill circle is learnt at level 2 and tested again at level 3 but beyond that isn’t used again. Many gymnasts dislike the mill circle but even if it isn’t a necessary skill beyond level 3 it teaches you how to push off the bar and the reverse grip early in your gymnastics career.
Don’t worry if you don’t learn the mill circle quickly, it takes time and be sure to practice any drills your coach shows you. Practising form and conditioning skills will help a lot with level 2 mill circle.
Bar skill 7 – Squat on to pike with solo circle or Underswing dismount.
Level 2 gymnastics Floor requirements
Level 2 floor skills are a lot of fun but also included some gymnastics skills that are challenging for gymnasts to master. You’ll have fun with the backwards roll but it might take you a little while to master the round-off and split jump, even though it only needs 60 degree leg separation at level 2.
Level 2 Floor skill 1 – Second handstand.
Floor skill 2 – Backwards roll.
Following on from the previous level, Level 2 also requires a backwards roll.
Floor Skill 3 – Roundoff
The round-off is often the starting move in a level 2 floor routine tumbling series. Before your hands reach the ground try to stretch out your back and extend your body in order to keep good form and create a more powerful movement.
Floor Skill 4 – Split jump ( 60 degree leg separation )
A split jump is just like it’s name. Jump and perform the splits in the air. The level 2 split jump is also popular in ballet and can be found in cheerleading routines. A gymnastics split jump is a little bit different from a split jump in a dance routine, with gymnasts having to align the leg so the back heel is facing upwards.
Floor skill 5 – Bridge back kick over
For the level 2 bridge back kick over you should start in a bridge position and kick off ( push ) with your stronger leg to push your body up into a split handstand position.
Floor skill 6 – Heel snap turn ( 90 degrees )
Holding the correct shape and making sure you have correct leg placement is very important for a heel snap turn. Lifting up onto the ball of your strongest foot is challenging. Try some ankle strengthening exercises to build the strength hold yourself up on the ball of your foot for the turn.
What next after completing Gymnastics level 2
Congratulations if you’ve mastered all of the skills above you are doing great and now a long way into your gymnastics journey. You’ve learnt the split jump, heel snap turn, mill circle, pullover and the all important level 2 bar skill, the cast. You will use the cast many times in future levels.
Now it’s time to move on to gymnastics level 3 and have even more fun learning more gymnastics skills.